venetia adamson

I endeavour to spread my love for all things Yoga. My aim is to teach accessible, culturally sensitive, safe, joyous classes. I believe Yoga can have a profound impact on our relationship to ourselves and others. Learning, inquiry and subtlety have all informed my teaching. I believe a practice doesn’t have to be forceful to be effective, and after years of Ashtanga and athletics I found the quiet practice of yin and it has guided my work and studies ever since. Venetia is currently registered with Yoga Alliance (E-RYT® 500).
trainings & education
Ashtanga Vinyasa 500 hours RYT 2015, Kranti Yoga Goa
Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Bernie Clark 60 Hours 2017
Thai Yoga Massage Training with Mudita TYM School 2018
Somatics Fundamentals with Essential Somatics 16 hours 2018
ITEC Certificate in Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology for Complementary Therapies (Level 3 RQF) 2018
Sanskrit Studies 60 hours with Oxford University 2019
I am currently completing my MA in Traditions of Yoga and Meditation at SOAS, London.
Racial & Intersectional Equity within Yoga Training with Dr. Stacie CC Graham 2020
Teaching Inclusive Yoga Training with Nourish YT 2020
Yin Yoga TT: Traditional Chinese Meridian with Josh Summers 50 hours 2021
Rocket Yoga Training with Inbodhi Brighton 30 hours 2021
workshops & cpd
Alberto Power Yoga inversion workshop 2015 (CPD 3 hours)
PNF stretching and flexibility workshop 2015 (CPD 3 hours)
Therapeutic Yin Workshop, Nathalie Dubreu FlowBody 2017 (CPD 5 hours)