lizzie edwards

I’m Lizzie and when I first did yoga I hated it.
At the first class I went to, I was the biggest person there by an absolute mile. The teacher didn’t know what to do with me or how to make the postures work for my body. It made me feel out of place and uncomfortable in my own skin.
That feeling is what drove me to become a yoga teacher. Yoga had helped me to make friends with my body and myself in a way that nothing else ever had, so I sought out a training that focussed on making yoga for everyone, and I trained with Yoga Quota (now Nourish!) for both my 200 hours and 85 hours pregnancy and postnatal. I committed to bringing that accessible approach to my own teaching.
Yoga has supported me through some really difficult times, especially during pregnancy and the postnatal period (twice – when I went through a miscarriage, and when I had my son). The movement aspect of yoga can feel gorgeous but it’s about more than that – cultivating strength, being OK with yourself, being part of a community, developing a real sense of respect for the change that pregnancy and birth brings about.
I am especially passionate about postnatal yoga because I believe that it has a huge power for positive impact on people after they’ve had a baby. There’s so much focus on pregnancy and birth but the postnatal period is often forgotten, and I’m determined to use my teaching to try and change that.
My classes are grounded in evidence, free from diet culture (which can be rife especially during the postnatal period), and encourage students to know their own bodies. We relax, we have fun, we play.
I live in Northampton with my husband and son Ray and I teach pregnancy and postnatal, vinyasa flow, yin and restorative classes online and in person.